Sunday, April 19, 2009

musical chairs

The only room in the house with good cellphone reception is the bathroom. This means it has to double up as a 'phone interview room. There are several consequences:

- the loo itself has a wooden flap, making it ideal for a desk. This means that if you want to use the loo for other purposes, you'll have to move a file or two off the top. Desk chair is the side of the bath. A bit precarious, but that's Zimbabwe for you.

- you won't just find loo-roll next to the loo, you'll find a cardboard list of 'phone contacts.

- loo interviews are all very well when it's one of you doing the 'phoning. Sometimes though, people 'phone you. This means that you may be happily minding your own business when somebody else bursts in, waving a cell-phone. And, of course, commercial activity has to take priority...

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